Problems with sending, receiving and displaying of messages
I think your em client software is excellent. I need to migrate from outlook 2007 since it began not retreiving my emails. Server folks say it is because I am using windows 7 pro and it is not supported. Interestingly, em client seems to share in similar behavior.
Is em client and windows 7 pro a sound email environment. I currently am using as my email service. It would be great to use em client. The only suggestion given by my provider is to upgrate to windows 10. Does this sound correct or may I pursue em client successfully?
Thank you,
Larry Dixon
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A post was split to a new topic: Unread emails can not be seen
have not received emails for 10 days…ecm put block on acct due to hacking ?? how do I get ecm to unblock???
A post was split to a new topic: Recently Can’t Send Messages