Wo trage ich die Lizenz ein?

Ich nutze den Client schon ewig und habe nun ein neues System.
Würde nun gerne wieder alles so nutzen wie vorher, aber unter Menü - Hilfe gibt es den Punkt Lizenz nicht mehr, ich kann nur ein Pro-Abo kaufen.
Ich habe aber eine Lizenz, was mache ich nun? Wo kann ich den Lizenzkey eintragen?

I have been using the client for ages and now have a new system.

I would now like to use everything as before, but under Menu - Help the License option is no longer there, I can only buy a Pro subscription.
But I have a license, what do I do now? Where can I enter the license key?

As you have no option to enter your existing license key, that means “you have installed the Windows Store version”, and need to uninstall that and then download the eM Client website version.

So if you have an IMAP, Exchange, Office 365 or iCloud account and nothing in Local Folders at the bottom left, uninstall eM Client and delete the database when asked on the uninstall wizard.

Then go to the eM Client release history page and “download whichever version of eM Client you already had before” and install that, and setup as new. Then go to “Menu / Help / License” and enter your activation key and activate.

Now if you want to avoid resetting up again, “if you still have access to your old computer”, open eM Client on your old computer and go to “Menu / Backup” which will make a dated backup.zip file by default in your “Documents / eM Client” folder. You can see when that’s completed in Show Operations via clicking the drop-down on the right of Refresh.

Then once the backup is completed, “copy that dated backup.zip file to your new computer same “Documents / eM Client” folder”. Then open eM Client on your new computer and “skip the setup wizard” and restore that via “Menu / File / Restore”. That will then be identical to how it was before.

Hell yeah, it was the Windows Store Version :melting_face:
Fixed now.
