With Gmail work Calendar, Contacts, but not Mail (IMAP).

Hallo, I have this problem: I have Gmail account. Calendar and Contacts work OK. But with e-mail I have problem. IMAP protocol don ́t work. SMTP work. The same problem with second account. IMAP don ́t work, SMTP work. I deleted accounts and create new. The same problems after it.

I have the same problem from today…

could you please check the Tools>Operations>Error window and copy the error that appears there when you try to send/receive mail?
Also please copy the content of the third tab (Log) as well.


I have czech version, translation will be not exact.
[IMAP] A connection attempt failed [email protected]. This may be due to temporary unavailability of the server or the wrong setting. To check the settings?

16:43:13 [email protected] [IMAP]  Synchronizing subfolders: For folder [email protected]/
16:43:13 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizing folder list
16:43:13 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizing folder list
16:43:13 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizing folder ‘[email protected]/Contacts/’
16:43:13 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizing folder ‘[email protected]/’
16:43:23 [email protected] [IMAP]  MailExceptions.ConnectionException: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream. —> System.IO.IOException: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.
16:43:23    at System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReadFrame(Byte[] buffer, Int32 readBytes, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:43:23    at System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:43:23    at System.Net.Security.SslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:43:23    at System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:43:23    at System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:43:23    at System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
16:43:23    at System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(String targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, Boolean checkCertificateRevocation)
16:43:23    at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.<>c__DisplayClassa.b__9()
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.Connect(Func`1 getStream)
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.Connect(String receiveHost, Int32 receivePort, Boolean explicitSsl)
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Reconnect()
16:43:23 — End of inner exception stack trace —
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Reconnect()
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Connect()
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPool.AcquireConnection(Folder mailFolder, Boolean idle, Boolean forStore)
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.ConnectionContext…ctor(ImapAccount account)
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeFoldersCommand.ExecuteInternal(WorkerStatus status)
16:43:23 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.ImapCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
16:43:23 at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)

I changed e-mails:

16:33:40 Online stav: změněn na online s důvodem NetworkAvailability
16:33:40 [email protected] [IMAP]  Synchronizuji podsložky: Pro složku [email protected]/
16:33:40 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace seznamu složek
16:33:40 [email protected] [IMAP]  Synchronizuji podsložky: Pro složku [email protected]/
16:33:40 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace seznamu složek
16:33:40 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace seznamu složek
16:33:41 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace seznamu složek
16:33:41 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace seznamu složek
16:33:41 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace seznamu složek
16:33:41 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace seznamu složek
16:33:42 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace složky ‘[email protected]/Contacts/’
16:33:42 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace složky ‘[email protected]/’
16:33:42 [email protected] [GData]  Synchronizace složky ‘[email protected]/[email protected]/’
16:33:50 [email protected] [IMAP]  MailExceptions.ConnectionException: Ověření se nezdařilo, protože vzdálená strana zavřela datový proud přenosu. —> System.IO.IOException: Ověření se nezdařilo, protože vzdálená strana zavřela datový proud přenosu.
16:33:50    v System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReadFrame(Byte[] buffer, Int32 readBytes, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:33:50    v System.Net.Security.SslState.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:33:50    v System.Net.Security.SslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:33:50    v System.Net.Security.SslState.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:33:50    v System.Net.Security.SslState.ForceAuthentication(Boolean receiveFirst, Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
16:33:50    v System.Net.Security.SslState.ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
16:33:50    v System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(String targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, Boolean checkCertificateRevocation)
16:33:50    v MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.<>c__DisplayClassa.b__9()
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.Connect(Func`1 getStream)
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.Connect(String receiveHost, Int32 receivePort, Boolean explicitSsl)
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Reconnect()
16:33:50 — Konec trasování zásobníku pro vnitřní výjimku —
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Reconnect()
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPoolEntry.Connect()
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.ConnectionPool.AcquireConnection(Folder mailFolder, Boolean idle, Boolean forStore)
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.ConnectionContext…ctor(ImapAccount account)
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.CreateFolderCommand.ExecuteInternal(WorkerStatus status)
16:33:50 v MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.ImapCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
16:33:50 v MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)

I recall that I got e-mail from Google

This text is from translator:

Someone just tried to sign in to your Google Account [email protected] from an application that does not meet modern safety standards.
Thursday, March 10, 2016 15:15 (Central Standard Time)
Tabor, Czech Republic *
We strongly recommend that you access your account using a secure application like Gmail. All applications from Google they meet security standards. When using the less secure applications should account could be vulnerable. More information

The sign-in attempt blocked Google. However, you should check recently used device.

hi guys,

I have your same problem.

I got the same mail from google!

How can we solve the problem? (if i deactivate my antivirus software the program works )

I really like use eM client and i would like solve it.

Thanks !

(sorry for my english but i am still learning )

Hello everybody!
Yeah, right. If I disable the email client protection in ESET, everything works!
What to do???

i too am not getting my gmail sms in emClient - i did before