Windows Blue Screen while opening mails from list view

Hey there,

I’m new to EM Client but very, very impressed and happy after long years with Outlook, TB and several others. Everything works fine except …

Sometimes (in 1 case of 100) I click through Mails (inside the Mails listing) and instead of opening a mail, the whole system crashes and shows a Windows Blue Screen telling me about that “Reference_By_Pointer” error. This behavior is NOT replicable and occurs independently whether the mail was sent as clean text or in HTML, has specific or unknown sender, has specific content or is located in a specific mailbox.

My system is Win10 Pro 64Bit running on a DELL Latitude machine with 8 GB RAM running Adobe CC suite perfectly, GData Antivirus and no bluescreens before.

Would love to use Em Client for a long time; many thanks in advance!!


It is my understanding that "Blue Screen Crashes’ are an Operating System problem. You me need to research Microsoft for windows system errors with reference to eM

I’m not really sure. But I have had blue screen crashes before and it was always related to an OS error

Good Luck

Thank you, Andrew! I understand your thoughts and would easily agree. I already checked installed .NET version - everything is fine and up to date. The fact is that I don’t recognize any other apps that would crash and the system works fine. At the moment I don’t see waht to look at next :frowning:

Hello Maik,

this is very unusual behaviour.
Could you please send me the logs copied into a .txt file to [email protected]?

Thank you.
Russel Markosky
eM Client

Many Thanks! Did so.