Windows 11 does not run EM client

Hello everyone,
recurrently and randomly, on a Dell Optiplex system with 8GB RAM and Windows 11 Pro (insider), the app does not run, either from the menu icon or by calling the exe in the installation folder. No warning is displayed or any em process appears in the system task panel.
The EM client simply does not run and I am forced to reset or turn it off and on the PC .
The system does not show problems in running any other application nor, when the problem arises, there are heavy concurrent processes that affect its performance or block its functions.

miércoles 18 diciembre 2024 :: 1935hrs (UTC +0100)

I am sorry that I can not offer a solution for you, however,
I do remember previous posts concerning Microsoft Insider.
You can search the Forum for these posts.
What I can confirm is that there is NO issue running eMC
with Windows 11 Pro though I believe 8Gb RAM is marginal
and suggest 16Gb DDR5 RAM would be ideal


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Are there any application crash events in the Windows Event viewer under Windows Logs / Application?

What third party antivirus or other security apps do you have?

If you are an Insider, perhaps you are running a pre-release edition of Windows, if so, any issues should be taken up with the Insider group.

Thank you, I’ll provide for the ram expansion asap. Best whishes.

Hi John, no third part antivirus installed, nor other apps resources-consuming are concurrently running.
It’s a strange behavior, the app doesn’t starts. not often, but sometimes that happens. btw, the prerelase edition doesn’t effect other apps (ie. office,adobe or others)
I’ll check after the memory expansion.
Best whishes.

Did you have a look at Event viewer for eM Client issues?

If you are running a beta version of Windows there may be issues with particular apps which you should report to Microsoft.

recurrently and randomly, on a Dell Optiplex system with 8GB RAM and Windows 11 Pro (insider), the app does not run, either from the menu icon or by calling the exe in the installation folder

I suspect it could be also something with the Insider build as @skybat wrote. I also have no issues opening eM Client V9 & V10 on Win 11 Pro official (non insider versions) with 8GB ram and a SSD drive.

I would suggest to try “disabling all background user tasks” other than the default OS startup stuff. You can then rule out if it’s a background resident program on startup causing it.

Or failing that, “create a new user admin profile” to see if that makes any difference. You can then rule out if it’s a possible corrupted profile.

If that still doesn’t open everytime, I’d be “saving your user profile data” and restoring your Dell Optiplex official Windows build that came with it and then reinstall eM Client & see if it opens ok.