Windows 10, context menu

I would like to be able to email a file by right-clicking a file and choose Copy to > Email recipients. But then a popup appears asking to choose an Outlook profile. I tried everything: default mail app set to eM Client, default app for filetype also set to eM Client and I put “C:\Path\To\eM Client.exe” /mailto “%1” into the registry at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mailto\shell\open\command. Then I also restarted my computer.

The problem persists.

What to do?

viernes 14 julio 2023 :: 1057hrs (UTC +0100)

You have an option that I do not have (you have Copy to & I have Send to) on an old test computer with Win10, see image:


I right click file then choose Send to ->Mail recipient ->This opens eMC with selected file attached.
I have Win 10 Pro that I have just updated to latest version.
eMC v9.2.1735



¡Los mejores desde Valencia la soleada y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.


You need to add a registry entry for this. Actually it is quite a few entries, but this should work on Windows 10.

Create a text file in Windows Explorer, and paste the following text into the file:

@="eM Client"

Save the file. Then rename it, changing the extension from txt to reg. You may have to enable showing of file name extensions in Windows Explorer to do that.

Double click on the file and it will add some entries to the registry so when you later right-click on a file and choose Send To > Mail Recipient, it will open a new compose window from eM Client with the file attached.

If you have any issues creating the file, email me on [email protected] and I will send you the file.

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viernes 14 julio 2023 :: 1329hrs (UTC +0100)

If after applying @Gary fix

You still do NOT have the option “Send to” visible it could be that the option is “Hidden”, to make it visible do the following:

1./ Win + R on your keyboard to open Run
2./ In Run enter shell:sendto & click OK
3./ In the new window Right click in blank space and select “Properties” (it is possible this window will be populated with a number of options)
4./ In new window (send to Properties) uncheck “Hidden” followed by “Apply” & “OK”



¡Los mejores desde Valencia la soleada y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

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Thanks, but unfortunately that did not work. After double clicking the file and ok’ing some warnings, I get the message: this is not a register script. You can only import binary files.
In the register I already see eM Client as a folder within HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mail and within that folder the file: (Default), Type: REG_SZ, Data: eM Client, the file DLLPath (with correct path) and the file SupportUTF8, Type: REG_DWORD, Data: 0x00000001 (1).

Vielleicht sollten Sie den Anweisungen von @skybat oben folgen.
Wenden Sie die @Gary-Anweisung nicht an


martes 18 julio 2023 :: 1008hrs (UTC +0100)

I have been away for a few days so sorry for lack of follow up.
I am not clear if your issue is resolved, if it is good, if not…
I ran the @Gary fix on my test machine with no problem, are you certain that you ran it exactly as instructed?
Typically the error you have is caused by blank space above the entry you are trying to import:

Blank line
@=“eM Client”

I do not know why @tmax says to ignore @Gary fix, that is wrong his fix is correct
Also please confirm your Registry entry, I do not believe it is correct, unless there is a typo

Now from what you say you have in the context menu “COPY TO” do you have “SEND TO”?
If you do not have you should follow my instructions above to enable it as it could be the entry “Mail recipient” is already available in “SEND TO”



¡Los mejores desde Sevilla la soleada y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.