Window not visible when second monitor is removed

When I have 2 monitors connected and have eM on the second, if I disconnect from the second monitor (as when you undock), instead of the display moving to the primary, it seems to remember it was on the second display so I can see a flash as it attempts to launch to that monitor that does not exist. I have to kill the client and restart to get it to show the window.

A couple years ago I wrote a short simple article on how to handle this common problem.

It doesn’t change the fact that emclient remembers where it was and does not check to see if that area is still visible, but it’ll get the window back on your current screen in a couple seconds.


Hey this totally worked thank you. What a lame bug that EM client still has not fixed. Thanks for the work around

What a lame bug that EM client still has not fixed

This is not a bug.

eM Client is programmed to remember the last position where the new message window was opened.

So If you move the window to your second monitor and close it, it will open in that position next time.

So if you are going to disconnect or remove a second monitor “before disconnecting” move any open eM Client windows back to your main monitor. Then close and reopen eM Client to save the window screen position on reopening.

Same goes “if you have the main eM Client program gui starting from a second or third monitor etc” and you are going to disconnect that monitor, move the eM Client program back to a monitor you are keeping and then close and reopen it to save the program gui to that screen.

Yeah obviously that’s what you need to do. This is such a lame feature in EM Client. It has been causing me trouble for years whenever I unplug my laptop to go anywhere. There is zero reason for the window to stay on the second screen when it is unplugged. It is the only software that does this.

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That totally worked. Thank you!