Why only 2 phone numbers show in the contact

In Google contacts, I have 3 or 4 phone numbers for some contacts, but in em, when I open the contact, I only see 2, and I cannot modify the other ones, or add more?

Hi, if you open the contact details, visible are only two phone numbers, but there’s a button right next to it stating what type of phone number is it. If you click on that button a dropdown list will be shown and if you choose a different type a phone number assigned to that type will be shown.

Or there’s another way how to edit these, if you switch to custom view and add columns for all the phone number types, you can edit them right in the columns.

Hope this helps,

Anyway to add more fields to the input form…e.g… when you click on a contact it opens up.  I want to be able to input additional phone numbers, not just two (whether work, home, cell, etc.).  It would be a pain to open another view, find the contact again, scroll over to other fields, and then input them…it would take way more time.

Hi again, unfortunately it’s not possible to add other options, when creating a new contact there should be several options for more numbers or emails (about 5 for emails, even more phone numbers).
We’re currently considering improving this in future releases. But at the moment unless you add a contact containing more items, you can not add an extra field to the contact.

Thank you for understanding,

Hi Andrew,

You can add more than 2 phone numbers to a contact in 1 go: just open the contact view, and click on the [phone type] button to select another type of phone number and add that specific phone number in the edit field next to this [phone type] button.

Ah. Thanks much Hans.  So it only “shows” two, but if you have, say, a home and work already, then you go to the work number, select “mobile” and type in a number in the now blank field, there are really three numbers in the person’s record.  I just tried it and it works.  Not ideal (wish I could see all three at once), but at least I can input them from that one screen. 

Paul, this may be something to note for folks.  They can’t see three separate phone numbers at once, but they can at least input any number of phone numbers from that input screen if that makes sense.

Hi Andrew, thank you for your input on this, we’ll consider improving this for future releases.

Thank you,