Why a "Junk E-mail" folder, but not a "Spam" folder?


I am asking this because I am courious:
Why does eM Client display the Spam folder as “Junk-E-mail”, but not as “Spam”?

I think it would make more sense to name it “Spam”.
eM Client defines the difference between “Spam” und “Junk” as followed:
“The difference between spam and junk emails is that you do not have any control over spam emails, but you can unsubscribe from no-longer-wanted junk emails. Junk emails usually refer to any emails that were used for advertising purposes. You can either reach out to the junk email sender or unsubscribe to stop receiving junk messages. Unlike spam, junk emails are typically harmless - but they can be equally annoying and excessive.”

Based on this definition, only spam e-mails should be in the specific spam folder. Junk e-mails can be in the in the inbox and you can unsubscribe and delete it afterwards, right?

Also: The correct spelling would me “Junk email”, but not “Junk E-mail”?!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

viernes 15 marzo 2024 :: 1610hrs (UTC +0100)

Perhaps the reason is that eMC does not have any specific Spam filters and as such eMC has to rely upon server side Spam filters.

Semantics (of Greek derivation meaning “significant” or it was when I was at school many years ago)


¡Buena suerte!

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[email protected]

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con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.


Our friends over at Grammarly say that E-mail and email are both correct ways to spell the same word:

Why spell it e-mail ?

Giants that prefer the hyphenated spelling—Merriam-Webster , The Chicago Manual of Style, and The New Yorker , have a good reason for doing so.

E-mail is a compound noun, made out of two words—“electronic” and “mail.” The e in e-mail is an abbreviation for “electronic,” and it’s used in a lot of other words as well—e-commerce, e-learning, and e-business, for example. There are also other compound nouns formed from an abbreviation and a noun, like the H-bomb, which is short for hydrogen bomb.

The general rule of hyphenation in compound words that combine a single letter (or a number) and a word is to hyphenate them. So, based on tradition, e-mail is the correct way to do it.

Why spell it email ?

In the case of email , it can be argued that the widespread use of the unhyphenated spelling has made this compound noun an exception to the rule. It might also be said that closed (unhyphenated) spelling is simply the direction English is evolving, but good luck arguing that “tshirt” is a good way to write “t-shirt.”

However you want to approach it, email is accepted or recommended by an increasing number of publications. Arguably the biggest blow to the pro-hyphenation camp came in 2011, when The AP Stylebook came down on the side of email . In 2013, The New York Times joined the anti-hyphenation ranks, also filled with media outlets like The Guardian and The Huffington Post .

Got it!
But there are three different forms used within eM Client like e.g.



Maybe you can stick with one form to have a uniform display? :slight_smile:

But still: Based on eM Client’s own definition, a Spam folder would make more sense than a “Junk E-Mail” folder.