Wegen Problemen Outlook-Kies-Samsung Galaxy 3 möchte ich auf eM Client wechseln. Welche Sync-Software soll ich dann verwenden? Besten Dank


Hi, I don’t understand you, you want to use eM Client on Samsung G3?
We support only Windows platform, if you want to synchronize emails/calendar anything else, then all you need is to set same account in eM Client and in your email client on your cell phone.


KIES (the Sync Software Outlook to Samsung is bad.
When i Change from Outlook to eM Client, what Software i need for the Sync to Samsung G3?

any email client for Android OS, I am owner of iPhone so I can’t suggest anyone, but it does not matter which one.
Thing that matters is to setup same email account (preferably with IMAP/Airsync protocol) and then let it synchronize, you will have your emails accessible in both eM client and your Samsung.

eM Client itself do not communicate with any other device than your computer on which it is installed.


OK, i have see SYNC via Gmail, super :slight_smile:

So everything is working like you need? :slight_smile:

No, only Problems :frowning: /// can y send you a mail?

of course, [email protected], but tell me what problems do you still have? From your previous post I have understood that you have everything working now.