Video conferencing tools - how can I add new tools (not listed)

As standard video conferencing tool, I would like to add 3CX ( Is there any option to integrate other video conferencing tools like jitsi, 3cx etc.? If it can be done via import of xml file, how should this file look like?

Integrating 3CX video conferencing into the calendar would have to be a “Feature Request” as eM Client doesn’t currently allow external plugins / options to be manually added.

“Current online meeting supported apps”

Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, IceWarp Video Conferences, GoToMeeting, Meetn, & Vivomeetings.

For 3CX (as it’s not an option atm), you could eg: manually just paste a video URL invite link from 3CX for peeps to click in the eM Client calendar.

Or alt you could maybe just use one of the other eM Client current supported video meeting apps.

Ps I’ll change this thread to a Feature Request.