Very Slow Download of Video Attachments

I’ve tried all the purported solutions to fix the very slow rate at which eMClient downloads video attachments. Nothing works. I suspect this is a major problem for most users. If they don’t fix it soon, I’m switching to a different email client.

Perhaps you can tell us what “purported solutions” you have tried so that we know what not to repeat.

In addition, since we can not see what your setup is, tell us:

What version of eMC you are running?
What OS you are using?
Are any other applications experiencing the same symptoms as eMC?

And with which email provider is this happening?

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I’m using version 9.2.1735. The solutions included checking the boxes “download messages for offline use” and “include attachments in search boxes” and disabling the email scanning feature on my antivirus. Regardless, when I click on “open” on an mp.4 attachment, a box pops up that says “Preparing download” with a bar graph showing the (very slow) progress.

eMClient fetches my mail from a Yahoo server run through AT&T.

Operating system is Windows 11.

Yes, Yahoo! is very slow both in bandwidth and latency. This causes many issues. There is something you can try that will download the messages differently. Go to Menu > Accounts and click on the Diagnostics tab for the Yahoo! account.

In the Advanced Options parameters box, paste in this text:


Click on Save & Close.

See if there is any difference with new messages of this type.


Thanks so much – adding the parameter you suggested solved the problem for me. Much faster now – almost instantaneous.



Will that parameter also work with other non Yahoo IMAP accounts?

Well, it will download messages in a different way than we are doing already. The method we use, to download in chunks, is a lot more reliable. This function will change the way messages are being downloaded, but it is only something to consider if you are having an issue. It is not something that should be set by default, that is why we don’t do that. There may be some undesirable consequences.


What kind of undesirable consequences might you get by doing this?

Trying to weigh up the pros of it vs the con of really slow downloads.

I’ve experienced none.


What kind of undesirable consequences might you get by doing this?

Trying to weigh up the pros of it vs the con of really slow downloads

I am guessing that means eg: if a file didn’t download in a steady stream of data packets as it does normally without using the parameter, then you might possibly end up with a a corrupted file.

But the only way to know is to try. As @lab100 says above he has no issues with it. So it’s up to you if you want to try with the parameter or not.

That IS the solution! Before, it took me several minutes to download a few MB of attachments. With this setting, download is instant. This should maybe be a standard eMClient setting???

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Just wanted to say that I found this after looking silly in an important meeting because I couldn’t quickly open a PDF file (with some size to it, it contained a lot of images) and so I needed a solution. The solution @Gary gives upthread works, and so I’d like to second the suggestion by @kleinhev that this become the standard setting for eM Client—the current default setting is not just annoying, it completely breaks what is otherwise an excellent program.

viernes 26 abril 2024 :: 0952hrs (UTC +0100)

First, this is not an issue exclusive to eMC as other email clients suffer because of the likes of Yahoo (mentioned above) and others causing problems.
Personally and I guess the majority have never suffered from slow downloads and I do not agree that it should be a standard setting, an option perhaps; also keep in mind that as @Gary says above: “it is only something to consider if you are having an issue. It is not something that should be set by default, that is why we don’t do that. There may be some undesirable consequences.”


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¡Mis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

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con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

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I mean yes, I read that. But even if it doesn’t affect you personally, I don’t think it makes sense to blame it on, e.g., Yahoo, because it isn’t limited to those providers.

Specifics: My workplace’s email is provided through Google for Education. I have tried downloading attachments from my work email using Outlook, Thunderbird, Opera, Postbox, and eM Client. The only one of these that downloads attachments slowly from that account is eM Client.

So either all of the others use the “undesirable” workaround, or eM Client has a bugged download system. If the former, than the workaround doesn’t seem to be actually problematic; if the latter, then it should be fixed so that the workaround is either incorporated or a better system is in place.



it should be fixed so that the workaround is either incorporated or a better system is in place.

eM Client has now added / incorporated that raw download (entire messages at once) option you can enable (for IMAP accounts) into eM Client V10 as per the following example.

Also as @Gary advised in the following thread post, you can try using the “Sync Options”.

Quote:- “if you have Exchange, it may be a slow connection to the server, or just a slow server. There is something you can try though. It won’t speed up the connection or server, but it will cache attachments when they arrive so when you later click on them, they should open immediately. Go to Menu > Accounts and click on the Exchange tab for the account. Scroll down to Sync Options, tick both of them, and click on Save & Close”

You can also use the Exchange Sync option @Gary advised also for IMAP accounts (rather than using the raw download option).

I recently enabled those two Sync Option check boxes for a friend of mine who was getting slow downloading of emails and attachments in V9.2 (without using the raw download option string), and he is now very happy. His emails and attachments now open almost instantly. So you can enable whatever option you like. V9.2 Sync Download messages etc IMAP example screenshot below.

In V10 you can also setup to Sync Full Messages with Attachments (without using the Raw download option) as in the below example. This also then opens attachments almost instantly like with V9.2.

sábado 27 abril 2024 :: 1309hrs (UTC +0100)

I note and do not doubt all you say and of course you are entitled to your opinion/findings though assumptions are not always accurate. This said I reitterate that I have never suffered slow downloads so perhaps the download speed issues suffered by some are related to a combination equipment used, type and speed of connection (wifi or ethernet).
For me eMC has never been an issue and no doubt the additions made, discussed by @cyberzork & @Gary, to imap/sync in V9.2 & v10 will help to overcome shortcomings non eMC related.

¡Buena suerte!


¡Saludos desde Valencia soleada y lloviendo en España!
¡Mis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

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I can’t say it’s related, but I am not receiving some emails like during the synching process the email is completed deleted and emptied from the trash. What’s interesting is that Yahoo doesn’t have an AIO method for deleting and emptying an email. It’s as if Yahoo is blocking the sender so there is no trace of the email.

And yes, unlike @skybat I have suffered slow downloads from Yahoo that’s why I added --imap-sync-messages-raw.