V8 repeatedly fails sending an email

I am upgraded to V8, but I do not advised it to others. Currently I am facing an error which blocks the use of eMClient. Here the log that are weird IMHO.


After having successfully connected to the IMAP server and checked the status of each subfolder, here is the end of the log. eM is trying to append a message but fails, and maybe the message has been already appended many times…

15:42:34.004|010| 01: A81 OK Completed
15:42:34.005|010| 01: * STATUS &ALIAsg-todo (UNSEEN 0)
15:42:34.005|010| 01: A82 OK Completed
15:42:34.012|006| >>> ListFoldersAsync(): End: 73 folders found
15:42:34.023|004| >>> FolderActivated(folder: /Sent): 
15:42:34.038|015| >>> UploadAsync(folder: /Sent): Start
15:42:34.065|015| >>> AppendAsync(folder: /Sent, item: emefadac5c-38d6-424e-a2d1-ea719b9068a3@bioinfo5): Start
15:42:34.068|004| 01: A83 SELECT "Sent" (CONDSTORE)
15:42:34.176|004| 01: * 37 EXISTS
15:42:34.176|004| 01: * 0 RECENT
15:42:34.333|006| 01: * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen $Forwarded)
15:42:34.333|006| 01: * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Draft \Deleted \Seen $Forwarded \*)] Ok
15:42:34.333|006| 01: * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1481477346] Ok
15:42:34.333|006| 01: * OK [UIDNEXT 8680] Ok
15:42:34.333|006| 01: * OK [HIGHESTMODSEQ 6513] Ok
15:42:34.333|006| 01: * OK [URLMECH INTERNAL] Ok
15:42:34.333|006| 01: * NO [ALERT] Mailbox is at 91% of quota
15:42:34.333|006| 01: A83 OK [READ-WRITE] Completed
15:42:34.342|006| 01: A84 NOOP
15:42:34.460|011| 01: A84 OK Completed
15:42:34.469|006| 01: A85 UID SEARCH HEADER "Message-Id" "<emefadac5c-38d6-424e-a2d1-ea719b9068a3@bioinfo5>"
15:42:34.585|004| 01: * SEARCH
15:42:34.585|004| 01: A85 OK Completed (0 msgs in 0.010 secs)
15:42:34.598|011| >>> DoAppendAsync(folder: /Sent, item: emefadac5c-38d6-424e-a2d1-ea719b9068a3@bioinfo5): Start
15:42:34.605|011| >>> DoAppendAsync(): Attempting catenate
15:42:34.606|004| 01: A86 APPEND "Sent" (\Seen) "22-Jul-2020 21:05:46 +0000" CATENATE (TEXT {2650}
15:42:34.739|011| 01: + go ahead
15:42:34.745|006| 01: )
15:42:35.017|01D| 01: A86 BAD Missing space or ) after catenate list in Append command
15:42:35.018|006| >>> DoAppendAsync(): CATENATE disabled for the duration of this session
15:42:35.022|01D| 01: A87 APPEND "Sent" (\Seen) "22-Jul-2020 21:05:46 +0000" {2648}
15:42:35.155|006| 01: * BAD Invalid tag
15:42:35.163|015| >>> COMMAND EXCEPTION: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
   at MailClient.Imap.Base.LiteralCompletion.AwaitAndResetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Imap.Base.LiteralParameter.OutputAsync(PipeWriter writer, ILiteralCompletion literalCompletion, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.RunCommandAsync(Command command, Func`3 notificationCallback)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<<AppendAsync>g__DoAppendAsync|1>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.AppendAsync(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, FolderInfo info, UploadItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.AppendAsync(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, FolderInfo info, UploadItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.UploadAsync(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, Folder folder, IEnumerable`1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.Upload(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, Folder folder, IEnumerable`1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizer`2.<>c__DisplayClass32_0.<EnqueueUpload>b__0(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<.ctor>b__0(WorkerStatus ws, CancellationToken ct)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.ExecuteInternalSync(WorkerStatus status)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
15:42:35.172|006| AccountBase.ChangeOnlineState : STATE CHANGE TO offline due BrokenConnection
15:42:35.172|004| >>> FolderDeactivated(folder: /Sent): 
15:42:35.174|006| >>> FolderDeactivated(folder: /Outbox): 
15:42:35.174|006| >>> FolderDeactivated(folder: /Inbox): 
15:42:35.175|006| >>> ConnectionPoolEntry.CloseAsync(): CloseConnectionsAsync
15:42:35.176|006| 01: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY START
15:42:35.319|013| 01: + go ahead
15:42:35.481|012| 01: --- CMD LOGOUT WAS CENCELLED
15:42:35.482|012| 01: --- CLOSE: LOGOUT TIMED-OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15:42:35.482|01D| 01: --- RECEIVE CANCELLED
15:42:35.483|01D| 01: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY FINISHED


[0114/122039.355:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[0115/092447.888:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[0115/092606.241:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[0115/133431.725:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[0115/211224.670:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[0115/224436.099:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[0116/095149.969:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
[0116/095244.475:ERROR:viz_main_impl.cc(169)] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization

Not sure this will help at all but try turning off your AV software

Using IMAP, I renamed the IMAP folder to keep a backup and reopened eMClient. It reconstructed the mailbox and its tree of subfolders. I could consult and delete messages. But it fails again to store a new message as a draft. Here are the new logs.

Is there an option to avoid recording draft of message while writing them?

Hope this help.


While reconstructing the mailbox, there are warnings about
07/24/2020 14:44:50 28 double-quoted string literal: "flags"
and a final error
07/24/2020 14:44:53 17 statement aborts at 12: [REPLACE INTO 'indexed_attachment_fti'.'SenderReceiverSubjectIndex_data'(id, block) VALUES(?,?)] database schema has changed


After having fetched every message, the appending task fails again when writing a new message.

16:52:20.844|006| >>> ListFoldersAsync(): End: 73 folders found
16:52:20.845|015| >>> SynchronizeMessagesAsync(folder: /Inbox, fast: False): executing
16:52:20.845|046| 01: A1099 NOOP
16:52:20.936|006| 01: A1099 OK Completed
16:52:20.936|047| >>> SynchronizeMessagesAsync(foler: /Inbox): Re-synchronization finished
16:52:20.937|015| >>> SynchronizeMessagesAsync(folder: /Outbox, fast: False): executing
16:52:20.937|015| 02: --- CMD NOOP: CONNECTION IS IDLING
16:52:20.937|006| 02: DONE
16:52:21.026|047| 02: A12 OK Completed
16:52:21.026|047| 02: --- CMD NOOP: IDLING TERMINATED
16:52:21.026|006| 02: A13 NOOP
16:52:21.112|050| 02: A13 OK Completed
16:52:21.113|050| >>> SynchronizeMessagesAsync(foler: /Outbox): Re-synchronization finished
16:52:23.947|006| 01: A1100 IDLE
16:52:24.034|050| 01: + idling
16:52:24.034|050| 01: --- IDLE CMD IN PROGRESS...
16:52:24.124|050| 02: A14 IDLE
16:52:24.211|047| 02: + idling
16:52:24.211|047| 02: --- IDLE CMD IN PROGRESS...
16:52:56.767|015| >>> UploadAsync(folder: /Drafts): Start
16:52:56.796|015| >>> AppendAsync(folder: /Drafts, item: em1c9ea1b6-c640-4200-a402-9b339f3550c5@bioinfo5): Start
16:52:56.802|015| >>> DoAppendAsync(folder: /Drafts, item: em1c9ea1b6-c640-4200-a402-9b339f3550c5@bioinfo5): Start
16:52:56.810|015| >>> DoAppendAsync(): Attempting catenate
16:52:56.810|015| 05: --- CMD APPEND: CONNECTION IS IDLING
16:52:56.810|006| 05: DONE
16:52:56.898|038| 05: A24 OK Completed
16:52:56.898|047| 05: --- CMD APPEND: IDLING TERMINATED
16:52:56.902|038| 05: A25 APPEND "Drafts" (\Seen \Draft) "24-Jul-2020 14:52:56 +0000" CATENATE (TEXT {1565}
16:52:56.992|047| 05: + go ahead
16:52:57.012|04C| 05: )
16:52:57.242|029| 05: A25 BAD Missing space or ) after catenate list in Append command
16:52:57.244|029| >>> DoAppendAsync(): CATENATE disabled for the duration of this session
16:52:57.248|04C| 05: A26 APPEND "Drafts" (\Seen \Draft) "24-Jul-2020 14:52:56 +0000" {1565}
16:52:57.334|029| 05: * BAD Invalid tag
16:52:57.347|015| >>> COMMAND EXCEPTION: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
   at MailClient.Imap.Base.LiteralCompletion.AwaitAndResetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Imap.Base.LiteralParameter.OutputAsync(PipeWriter writer, ILiteralCompletion literalCompletion, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Imap.Base.Connection.RunCommandAsync(Command command, Func`3 notificationCallback)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<<AppendAsync>g__DoAppendAsync|1>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.AppendAsync(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, FolderInfo info, UploadItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.AppendAsync(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, FolderInfo info, UploadItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.UploadAsync(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, Folder folder, IEnumerable`1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapMailSynchronizer.Upload(IItemUploadContext`1 uploadContext, Folder folder, IEnumerable`1 items, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizer`2.<>c__DisplayClass32_0.<EnqueueUpload>b__0(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<.ctor>b__0(WorkerStatus ws, CancellationToken ct)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.ExecuteInternalSync(WorkerStatus status)
   at MailClient.Protocols.Imap.ImapActionCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
16:52:57.351|04C| AccountBase.ChangeOnlineState : STATE CHANGE TO offline due BrokenConnection
16:52:57.352|04C| >>> FolderDeactivated(folder: /Inbox): 
16:52:57.352|04C| >>> FolderDeactivated(folder: /Outbox): 
16:52:57.353|04C| >>> ConnectionPoolEntry.CloseAsync(): CloseConnectionsAsync
16:52:57.353|04C| 01: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY START
16:52:57.353|04C| >>> ConnectionPoolEntry.CloseAsync(): CloseConnectionsAsync
16:52:57.353|04C| 02: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY START
16:52:57.353|04C| >>> ConnectionPoolEntry.CloseAsync(): CloseConnectionsAsync
16:52:57.353|04C| 05: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY START
16:52:57.353|029| 01: DONE
16:52:57.353|03C| 02: DONE
16:52:57.353|029| 01: A1101 LOGOUT
16:52:57.353|03C| 02: A15 LOGOUT
16:52:57.441|006| 02: A14 OK Completed
16:52:57.442|030| 05: + go ahead
16:52:57.444|03C| 01: A1100 OK Completed
16:52:57.445|030| 01: * BYE LOGOUT received
16:52:57.446|030| 01: A1101 OK Completed
16:52:57.446|03C| 01: --- RECEIVE BYE EX
16:52:57.446|03C| 01: --- RECEIVE SAYING BYE TO CMD 1101
16:52:57.446|03C| 01: --- RECEIVE CLOSED
16:52:57.446|03C| 01: --- CLOSE: SECONDARY START
16:52:57.447|029| 01: --- CLOSE: SECONDARY FINISHED
16:52:57.448|030| 01: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY FINISHED
16:52:57.529|030| 02: * BYE LOGOUT received
16:52:57.529|030| 02: A15 OK Completed
16:52:57.529|04B| 02: --- RECEIVE BYE EX
16:52:57.529|04B| 02: --- RECEIVE SAYING BYE TO CMD 15
16:52:57.530|04B| 02: --- RECEIVE CLOSED
16:52:57.530|04B| 02: --- CLOSE: SECONDARY START
16:52:57.530|038| 02: --- CLOSE: SECONDARY FINISHED
16:52:57.531|04B| 02: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY FINISHED
16:52:57.665|04B| 05: --- CMD LOGOUT WAS CENCELLED
16:52:57.666|04B| 05: --- CLOSE: LOGOUT TIMED-OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:52:57.666|006| 05: --- RECEIVE CANCELLED
16:52:57.668|04B| 05: --- CLOSE: PRIMARY FINISHED

Thanks for your message.
My AV is really not intrusive.

OK, since it has resolved other IMAP related issues, thought I would mention it. But…


I deactivated the automatic saving to draft folder. I successfully created a new mail. This sounds good!

But eMclient failed to sent the email!

I think there is clearly something in the IMAP management, especially while writing to folders.


Could you add references? If it solved some issues, I will try.

You are more than welcome to research…

There seems to be an awful lot of work going in by people who use EM Client to try and fix the vast number of problems. Anyone know what EMC are doing about it? I went back to V7 without any apparent problems, but noticed some saying they lost the database. Anyone now what that actually means? Also it would be good if EMC gave us some information, and advising us when they have a stable version 8.

I think you should have started a new thread, because your message does not directly match this thread. I think people could lose their database if they are using POP protocol. There are 2 protocols to interact with received messages: POP and IMAP. POP retrieves messages from the server and usually deletes them either immediately, either after a few days. IMAP is acting as a view of the messages that are on the server: you could destroy your PC, the messages are always on the server, but if you remove a message from the server it is definitively destroyed. With POP, if your PC is destroyed, or the database is lost, all the messages are lost.
Hope this helps.

Thanks for the reply and info, but my problem fits exactly with the thread title. I upgraded to V8 after receiving the invitation in good faith, and immediately found that emails would not send or could be received. Initially I was getting IMAP errors and then SMTP. As I use IMAP, it appears that I am not affected by the database loss issue, so that is potentially one good bit of news, and all my folders and stored emails look fine. I guess I’ll wait to upgrade again until I get a warm feeling that V8 has stability, but I do wish that EMC would issue an update and some advice other than ‘disable your AV and or Firewall’, as that’s not going to happen. Good luck with your problem.

Your description clearly fits the thread. I have the exact same problems. I hope the dev team will find a solution. I selected eMClient after having tested many others and I would not like to change to another free mail client that fits my habits.
AntiVirus and FireWall does not change anything to the problems. Now I know how to delete the messages that eMClient could not append to the Sent box although they are clearly sent through SMTP.

Hey all,
I was having ( am having ) same IMAP stack error with gmail, it seems temporarily to resolve itself with a restart. I know not the best, but for short term at least I can get my mail without logging into Gmail.

Thanks for the feedback. In the case of my institution, this does not work. Even bad, I need to delete every mail sent to allow retrieving new mails. At the moment, eMClient only permits me to read mail. I am using a temporary email client while waiting for a release.

Sorry I am not as techie - how do you roll back to the previous version. Unfortunately I am having the same problem - it suddenly stops typing into the email box and then you lose the entire email

Hi there!
I waited a few weeks before continuing the story. There have been some updates of the V8, but emClient still fails sending email. In fact, the mail is sent, but it can’t properly copy the mail to the sent box. To be noticed, I am exclusively using IMAP and SMTP. No POP.
During those weeks, I needed an email client, and I fall back to ClamAWS. It is not very attractive, but it does the job. I regularly updated the V8, but still faced the same problem.
Finally, because emClient was missing so much, I reinstalled from scratch the V7. In V8, I exported my contacts, what was all I needed. Then I uninstalled V8 and removed the database. If you want a more secure option, just rename the “AppData\Roaming\eM Client” folder in your user folder by adding some “_0” suffix. But I don’t care, because of the IMAP protocol. So I reinstall V7. But be careful, it tried once to download and install the V8. If it can’t find the “eM Client” folder, the installation will be fine.
The V7 could send email without any error. INCREDIBLE!!! First I suspected some change at my email server side. But the V7 has no failure. So it’s really a failure of the V8. That sounds so weird. But as the developers seem to busy to try to solve a bug that has been introduced in the V8, I will continue to live with the V7. And I feel I don’t need anymore than the current features of the V7.
Hope This Helps.

I have a recieving problem Ver 8 won’t download emails. It will send them. The diagnostics show IMAP and smpt working. Thunderbird works with the same settings. Help Help

Before switching from V7 to V8, IMAP operations are working well?
If I remember correctly, I always succeeded in retrieving emails. I failed sending e-mails. Yet I am not sure whether receiving emails stops after trying to send an email.


V7 worked well for mine and my wife’s account but I was on pop3.sympatico.ca. My Thunderbird is on IMAP and working well for my address and for my wife’s address

I can only share my experience. Currently I am using only emClient V7 and sometimes WebMail. I will stick on this duet of software clients and IMAP as protocol. I definitively rely on my mail provider to ensure backup.
I think you should start a new post because you have got a mixed configuration.