V10 not displaying past events

V10 is not displaying past events. Actually they do display immediately after opening eM Client, but once I go to mail or another part of the app, they disappear when I go back to Calendar. Recurring all-day events such as birthdays are displayed, but no others.
This needs to be fixed, along with all the other stuff that people are complaining about on this forum! I need to be able to see past events without closing and re-opening the app.

Solution found! By un-ticking the calendar in the left panel (to stop it being displayed at all) and then re-ticking it, the calendar and all past events are now being displayed correctly. Odd, but true.

We had several reports of this problem. Thanks for sharing a clue to help us find the root cause.

Turns out that in some situations the “Hide Past” setting (only visible in Agenda view) is incorrectly applied to other calendar views. We will fix it in the next update, likely to be released next week.