Updating the database of the Service Providers

We are getting this prompt when trying to add additional clients to EM (Updating the Database of the service providers). This has been loading for almost 30 minutes and every time we close down the application and try to add the account, it shows the same prompt. We have over 400 accounts currently logged into and still need to add an additional 400. Looking for help.

(Updating the Database of the service providers)

I would recommend as sounds like you have an eM Client Pro / Enterprise account, to go to the VIP support page and login with your registered email address and password and lodge a support ticket.

That could be a eg: limitation with the amount of accounts you can add in, if you are trying to add 400 or more to a single version of eM Client.

Let the support guys know what type of mailboxes they are eg: POP, IMAP, Exchange etc and whether you have Windows or Mac and your eM Client version.

If you have run out of your active subscription period, then you can extend that below.

(eM Client Pro / Enterprise support)


(eM Client Extend subscription support)
