Unbreakable space

How can I write unbreakable space in mail body? Usual shrtcut Ctrl+Shitt+Space doesn’t work.
I can insert &nbsp via Insert/HTML but it is annoying.

Ain’t nobody missing possibility to write an unbreakable space? Am I the only one missing it?

I remember having searched for this in the past without being able to find a shortcut. Even copying a non-breaking space from Word to eMC didn’t work.
The only solution I have found if my recollection is good is insertinh HTML code in eMC (&#8239) (not &nbsp because it is a “physical” space and not a non-breaking one).

viernes 25 marzo 2023 :: 0826hrs (UTC +0100)

I do not know if there is anything here that will be of use to you, it is something
I wrote over 20 years ago;


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con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.