Unattended sendmail function

One of the main reasons I liked eM Client was that many users claimed it was a good replacement for Outlook Express. While it does have many of the features and looks of OE, it doesn’t allow me to send unattended email. I regulary use other programs that use the sendmail function but when they are executed eM Client always opens another window which requires me to manually send mail.

Is there a setting I’m missing that will send mail as Outlook Express does without having user intervention? Wish MS would bring OE back for Windows 7! 

Hi, I’m not completely sure what you mean by unattended email, can you please describe the case with a bit more detail.

Thank you,

Using a 3rd party program or macro which calls to sendmail opens up eM Client program. You have to again press the send button to confirm. When sending many emails a day from a different program then opening another program (eM Client) to send again is time consuming and redundant.

Using the old Outlook Express it would send the emails (unattended) in the background immediately and wouldn’t stay in the outbox until you opened the program.

Hope this helps by what I mean unattended email. 

Hi, unfortunately this feature is currently not supported, maybe in future releases…
We’ll consider adding this feature…

Thank you,

Thank you. Please do consider adding the feature as there are a few 3rd party programs for purchase that are being used with Outlook just for this purpose. i’d rather not have to add another program just to automatically press the send button. Apparently there is quite a demand out there for this function.

Thank you for the suggestion, we’ll keep that in mind, when chosing features for future releases.
We appreaciate the input.

Thank you,