Unable to touch 4 emails

These emails are in my unread folder. I cannot mark them read, cannot delete them, cannot mark some as junk, nor can I read their contents.

Sounds like a possible database error.

Try manually repairing the database by doing the following for PC or Mac.

If you have a PC see @Gary post in the following thread link on how to repair the database.


(To repair eM Client database manually for Mac)

Close eM Client and then “open the Terminal app via either Launchpad or Utilities” on the Mac. Then Paste and run the following command.

/Applications/eM\ Client.app/Contents/MacOS/eM\ Client /dbrepair

This solution does work. But since posting this 8 days ago, I’ve had to run this database repair twice now. Once for files in my inbox and once for files in my trash. What is going on with the program that it keeps getting corrupted?

I’ve had to run this database repair twice now. Once for files in my inbox and once for files in my trash. What is going on with the program that it keeps getting corrupted?

Could be then there is a-lot more errors in your exiting mail database and so it keeps happening.

If this has only just recently started happening and you have been making regular eM Client backups either automatically via the Settings or manually via Menu / Backup, then you could try restoring a recent dated backup “when you know eM Client was working ok” via “Menu / File / Restore” and then see how that goes after restoring.

Or if you don’t have any recent dated backups or restoring a backup still had the same issue, then you could close eM Client and “go to the following eM Client hidden database folder” and rename it to eg: eM Client-Old . Then “reopen eM Client which will create a new database” and setup as new, and then see how that goes with the new database.

Hidden mail database folder Windows
“Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client”

Hidden mail database folder Mac
“Users\yourusername\Library\Application Support\eM Client”

Apart from that, you might need to try “uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client” with either the same or later version from either the Windows Store or Release history page depending on where you originally downloaded it or purchased it from, and then see how that goes.

Lastly if uninstalling and reinstalling still has the same issue, then could be something possibly on the computer running resident in the background possibly interferring with the mail client. Programs such as eg: Optionally install Firewall / Security programs, or Optionally installed Antivirus programs or VPNs can sometimes interfere. So if you have anything like that installed (other than what comes default with your OS), then try completely disabling those to test.