Unable to start eMClient after Microsoft10 & NETware update?

After allowing Microsoft’s Windows10 and NETware automatic updates on 2023-11-15, I am no longer able to start eMClient freeware version from either the Taskbar or from within the File Explorer.
I am assuming that due to the Microsoft updates, the eMClient code has either been corrupted, or is deemed “illegal” and hence blocked by the Microsoft software?
Has anybody else experienced a similar problem?
Do I need to delete my current copy of eMClient software and then reload the current version from the website, or should I be trying something else?
I am a “plug and play” user, so no fancy code solutions please!
Thank you, BillR

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I also counter this issue! Support team should fix it ASAP.

Aye WhiteBye,

I managed to sort the problem by downloading the latest version of eMClient and then at the third attempt of updating it appeared to upload the latest version. After re-starting the computer, I then had to let the programme carry out two “Repair database” routines, with a re-start after each and eMClient now appears to be stable again. You need to give the software time to make the update and repairs, whilst re-starting the computer when requested, and at what appears to be the finish of the updating process.

Hope this helps, good health, Bill

miércoles 15 noviembre 2023 :: 1717hrs (UTC +0100)

I also ran the upgrades, however, without any problems - I just noticed you have solved the issue.
For future reference, if you did not do so, always close any running Apps before performing any OS/NET upgrades, and this also applies to eMC upgrades when you should close eMC first.
The probable reason for the eMC database repairs is incorrect App close during updates.

Do not forget to to run regular eMC updates


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Gracias skybat. :slightly_smiling_face:

Buena salud, Bill