Unable to download message

I’m running the latest update of em client (8.0.3385) on windows 10 and since a few days I get this error

I tried with other clients like windows mail but this error is only happening in em client unfortunately.

I double checked login/authentication info with my own email provider (yandex) and it all looks in order.

Is there anything unusual about this particular message?

Hi. Not really, it was a service I used in the past, nothing unusual about receiving an email from them. I tried deleting that one email, but then a few more become “problematic” for some unexplained reason (and only in em client, not in windows mail).

Curious! What type of licence do you have (Free or Pro)?

This is probably one for the developers to look at because there’s very little to go on, and the fact that some mail is getting through while others are throwing errors is really strange.

ps it might be wise to edit out your email address from the error logs you’ve supplied.

If you have a Pro licence raise a ticket here:
https://www.emclient.com/support (Click menu/support/VIP support)


Try contacting them here:
Support & bugs - [email protected]

I have a free licence, but it would be very strange if things depended on which licence you have. Thanks for the tips though

What I meant was the Pro licence comes with help from the developers, and you can raise support “tickets” for issues like this.

The free licence is community help monitored by eMC Support.
See here: