Turn off Message Preview Panel for "Junk" folders

I know this has been asked and answered before, but it would be nice to have a way to turn off/disable the messages panel for specific folders. Specifically, I tend to like to use it as I peruse the various folder/labels in EmClient, however the Spam/Junk folder is one I would rather not… Currently disabling the messages panel is all or nothing and is kind of a pain to toggle it/remember to toggle it each time I look at what Junk I received…

Couple options I could see as being useful related to this:

  • Full flexibility: message panel is configurable on a per folder basis.
  • Since this generally is specific to the Junk/Phishing folders/labels, maybe just add an option to “message panel on or off” to enable it for Spam/Junk… maybe by default if message panel is enabled, it is “disabled” for Spam/junk but you can turn that on so it is again global…
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