Hi, since a couple of days I don’t manage to send mails from my pc with my @tiscali account. No problems with my iPhone.
Tiscali asked me to update my account with my telephone number, it worked for a few days, and now I cant use it anymore.
Are you getting an error message ?
If you carn’t see any sending error messages, click the drop-down arrow on the right of Refresh top left and click “Show Operations”. Then click the “Log tab” and look for any obvious error messages and paste them in this thread. We might then be able to see why it won’t send. Blank out anything personal.
Also go to “Menu / Accounts”. Then click on your Tiscali “SMTP tab” and update what your Server address, Port & Security policy is.
Also what version of eM Client you are using and if you have Windows or Mac and what OS ver.