Time out while downloading the new emails

Hi when we receive emails with attachment more tan 1 MB, unable to download keep on time out,

Can you please help.

As long as you have a stable “constant internet connection” at least eg: min 5-10mbps speed then could be a background program scanning the incoming mail attachment slowing it down and eventually timing out.

So check your d/l speed to see what you are getting on average to make sure that’s working ok. A good global site to test is eg: speedtest.net

Also if you have any Optionally installed Antivirus program or combo Firewall / Antivirus program or even a VPN, try completely disabling those to test.

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jueves 25 abril 2024 :: 0858hrs (UTC +0100)

I agree with @cyberzork, however, you say more than 1MB, but what actual size and format?


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