Tasks on Mac Server

I try to add an event in tasks.
But I can’t save it. I get the answer “Failed to upload item” … Item wasn’t uploaded to CalDAV server because the server returned error: Forbidden (Forbidden)
My server is an Apple Server 10.9

Following error on my Mac Server:

fe80::61af:4e85:159f:3329%en0 - name [26/Nov/2013:16:25:39 +0200] “PUT /calendars/__uids__/26965DA6-12E1-4A83-B0C6-01CA8FEA3AF1/tasks/8c0d7979-e9ec-4832-b239-bbe9bbcbb7b0.ics HTTP/1.1” 403 334 “-” “eM Client/5.0.18661.0” i=0 or=1 t=26.3 cl=724 err=valid-calendar-data

Error Log em Client:

S: PUT [https://myserver:8443/calendars/__uid…](https://myserver:8443/calendars/ uids /26965DA6-12E1-4A83-B0C6-01CA8FEA3AF1/tasks/884edfe4-dc4d-4f55-ba26-2ee60f1ffb14.ics)
Forbidden Forbidden
Response, stream length:
334, 334

[VTODO] Missing or too many required property: DTSTAMP]]>


I will need your CalDAV logs, go to tools - settings - advanced, check CalDAV under your account, apply and restart eM Client.

Simulate steps that leads to your issue and after that send logs… to [email protected] together with this topic’s URL in subject.

then you can turn logging off.


I’m searching threads for information, but many of them end right here… i.e. offline.  Did anything productive come of this thread once it was moved to email?  If so, can you please post anything helpful?

Hi Theodore, what are you having issues with?
What version of eM client are you using?

Thank you,