Tasks created in agenda view aren't easy to find

If I create a task in Agenda view using the text box at the top, the task immediately moves into the “Today” section among other tasks. With a busy schedule, it can be hard to find.

I think em Client should somehow make it clear to the user where the task after it is created. A user might want to immediately open it and change some of its details.

I think it’s good that the new task text box can be repeatedly used to quickly add tasks without losing keyboard focus. To retain this functionality, perhaps an animation or highlight of some sort could be used to draw users’ attention to each new task as it’s created.

The box in Agenda has to be used only for quick creating of a task. If you want to set startÜdue date use please Task window.

I totally agree with Sam. I often trap into searching a task and accidently type my search into the add field instead. After that, it’s hard to find the unneeded task in my 800 tasks.

I’d propose the devs might consider to add a group „recently changed“ or „Recent 10 tasks“ on top to make finding a just added task convinient.

Hi, thank you for the suggestion, we’ll consider improving this for future releases of eM Client, I agree that when a quick task is added, it is quite difficult to find the exact task.

Best regards,

But if you add the ‘created’ field in the overview/grid/table with tasks, and you sort on that ‘created’ field (descending) , then the most recently added tasks are shown on the top, or not?

In this way, it’s very easy to find the most recently added tasks.

It’s not about knowning how to find a task.
It’s about what is fast and convenient.

Switching views is not convenient.

I never use the tasks view. I add tasks through a shortcut and find them by due today or full text search in the eMail view right side in the agenda panel.

Hi again, thank you for the suggestions, I’ve reported this to the developers and we’ll consider improving this for future releases.
We’re currently preparing a new redesigned eM client, even the search and the quick task creation should be improved in the upcoming upgrade.

Thank you,