Takes 10 seconds to pop up New Message form

I’m using vesion 6.0.21040. Over the past couple of weeks it has started to take up to 10 seconds from clicking  “Reply” or  “New Mail” before the message form appears. What is it doing during this time?  My (Windows 7) machine and eM is otherwise running fine. Is there any kind of maintenance I need to be doing? It is the same result whether I select File>Work Offline or not.

Hi Rich, can you try to update your eM Client to this version and check if the issue persists? http://www.emclient.com/dist/v6.0.21151/setup.msi
Also can you check what version of Microsoft .NET framework you have installed on your computer? You should be able to do so in Control Panel under Program Uninstallation.

Thank you,

Hi Paul, I have VS 2013 therefore Microsoft .NET 4.5.1

… and that update fixes the problem. Thanks Paul!

Great, glad I could help, please let us know if you come across this or any other issues or questions, we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,