Good afternoon.
From em Client I get the following error:
[Google Calendar] Error: “Not Found” when creating or updating the “Auditorio Namuncura - Gabriel/GSA Personal” folder.
This happens because the “Gabriel/GSA Personal” calendar was permanently deleted from Google Calendar, but now it is giving me this error from the Client, I understand that because I must indicate that this calendar should no longer be synchronized since it does not exist, but it does not I know how to do it.
Could you help me?
Thank you so much
This happens because the “Gabriel/GSA Personal” calendar was permanently deleted from Google Calendar.
If you have deleted a Personal Calendar “in your Google account online” and you have “Deselected that Personal calendar in eM Client” and are still getting Synchronisation errors, then there are two ways you can fix that.
1). You can either try repairing your Google Calendar by “right clicking on the word Calendar” directly under your Google account. Then click “Properties” at the bottom. Then click the “Repair tab” at the top and finally click Repair. This clears the local calendar cache in eM Client and resyncs your online Google calendar back to eM Client.
2). Or if repairing the Google Calendar doesn’t fix the problem, suggest then to go to “Menu / Accounts” and remove and readd your Google account via the automatic account wizard at the top. That should then be the same as online.
Note: Before removing your Google account, make a manual backup first via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason. You can see when the backup is complete via clicking the drop-down on the right of Refresh and clicking Show Operations.