Sync emc contacts with icloud contacts?


Is it possible to sync the contacts (in Windows EMC) with my cloud contacts?

Thanks for any info.


Is it possible to sync the contacts (in Windows EMC) with my cloud contacts?

Normally when you add an iCloud account into eM Client, your iCloud contacts “will automatically appear in eM Client Contacts” section via the tab at the bottom left.

If they haven’t, you might need to remove and readd your iCloud account again via the automatic account wizard via “Menu / Accounts”

Note: If you do remove and readd your account make a manual backup first via “Menu / Backup” incase you need to restore for any reason.

If they are Local folder contacts and you want to sync them with your iCloud contacts, just go to eM Client Contacts and select all your local folder contacts and then “copy and paste them” into your iCloud contacts.

Or if they are Local folder contacts, and you no longer want them in local contacts “and only in iCloud contacts”, then just select all and “drag / move them” to your iCloud contacts.