Sync config between Windows, Mac, Mobile clients

Hello, after the initial setup, all changes (e.g. adding an alias address to an email account, changing an existing rule, …) to the configuration are not synchronised between the EM Client apps on Windows, Mac and Mobile. Automatic synchronisation (e.g. via OneDrive or iCloud) would be nice.

I second that. The syncing of the signatures would be especially welcome.
I suppose every emClient user has disk space in the cloud, so that would be a natural instrument.

We already allow Business Pro license users to sync their signatures and other settings with PC and Mac versions.

The way it works is you upload your settings to our server, and all devices using your license will get the settings. You can specify different settings, so for example department signatures for different devices, or disable some users from adding their chat accounts etc.

Great, so you have the program lines working.

I’m not gaining profit from using emClient, I’m retired but happily active, but I’m just enjoying emClient.

Please make this function also available to NON-Business Pro users and extend the synchronization to mobile eM Client versions such as iPad, iPhone, …

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