Support drag and dropping to other sotfwares


  • When an Email contains an image in the email body, the drag and drop to a web-based-program does NOT work anymore. It used to work, see my post of nov '22

I tested ver 9.0.1708 and ver 9.1.2109 and (neither of those) versions allowed me to drag an inline image in the body of an email to a browser. What version of eM Client did this work ? Was it an older V7 or V8 ?

Btw:- You can view an inline image eg: full size by “dbl-clicking” it with your left mouse button, which will then open in your default OS picture viewer if you just wanted to view it.

  • When an Email contains an image as attachment, then the drag and drop to a web-based-program DOES work. It used to not work, see my post of nov '22

Yes you are correct that dragging an attached file eg: (image, txt or pdf) to a browser to view them didn’t seem to work in the older versions when i tested ver 9.0.1708 and ver 9.1.2109. However, they (did all open & view fine) when dragged into a browser using the latest V9.2.1222 as you said.

Hopefully in the future the eM Client devs can also make inline images in the body of the email dragable to browsers & open / view like attachments do now. You would have to make it as some sort of eg: separate html inline element for that to be dragable. Anything’s possible.

Ps Would be good to be able to do that if it can be programmed :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t know which version did it the other way around, but my version now is 9.2.1222 (ca10485) and it works currently as described. I know I can view an inline image by doubleclicking on it.

The weird thing is, that it used to work, so technically it is possible. On the other hand, no big deal he. I can copy and paste it too. The webbased system is what I programmed, so I know what it can do.

I’ve been using the DMS “Office-n-PDF” for two days. Unfortunately, I can’t archive any emails from the “eM Client Version / 9.2.1735 (3d90379)” in the DMS using Drag&Drop. If I use the mail client “The Bat!” it works great. Why doesn’t it work with “eM Client”? Can users expect a solution?

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Hallo, hat sich in diesem Bereich beim eMClient schon etwas getan? Ist ein Update mit einer Lösung für das beschriebene Problem in Sicht? Leider geht es immer noch nicht die PDF Anhänge einer Email in einem Dokumententool per drag and drop zu verschieben.
Es wäre hilfreich wenn dieses Problem behoben werden würde.
Oder liegt es nur an mir?!

It depends what application you are dragging the attachment to. Mostly it works, but there can be issues dragging the attachment to some web apps.

If you save the attachment in Windows Explorer, can you drag it from there to the other application?

Thank you for your answer. I am using a FilingTool which is not web based. The tool is a desktop app from my hardware manufacturer Sharp. The support there said it is due to the eMClient because it does not support drag and drop.

If you save the attachment in Windows Explorer, can you drag it from there to the other application?

Yes, of course that is possible. I can also drag the attachment to the desktop and then from there into the application. However, this intermediate step is very annoying in the normal workflow, as the file has to be deleted from the desktop.