I’m still having problems with my start-up password which remains unknown. Can anyone recommend a step-by-step procedure to allow me sign-on & still retain my old data (folders, emails, calendar, etc.)?
Unfortunately there is no way to reset or retrieve the password, but you can delete your settings file which will remove the startup password. It will also remove some of your settings, but not your data, account settings, or signatures etc.
To do that, with eM Client closed, go to C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\ in Windows File Explorer. You may have to enable hidden items to get there. Delete any settings*.* files and restart eM Client.
If you have the database in another location, then it will be that one, rather than C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\ .
Hi Gary,
Thanks for your response but I already took your advice you gave to someone earlier & deleted my “Settings” file, then restarted eM Client, it didn’t work! First of all, I can’t believe that eM Client doesn’t have a way to reset the password, but I guess we’ll have to live with it!
Be advised that I deleted the whole “Settings” file which maybe I likely should not have but it was done anyway! At any rate, the rest of my eM Client appears OK but the sign-on password still does not work! As a result, I cannot receive any emails & have to resort to AOL Mail or gMail. I hate to lose eM Client but hopeful that you can resolve this for me!
Let me tell you where I am at this moment - both my IMAP & SMTP are both set at “Use identity credentials”. I recall that there used to be passwords in those places but I have no clue where they came from!
If you can give me a “cookbook format” of how to try to solve this problem, I would appreciate it!
Ok Gary,
Since I haven’t heard back from you, let’s try something different! I elected to delete my old eM Client account & added a new one using a new gMail email address & password. It seemed to work perfectly! All my folders, emails, calendar, etc. are there! However, almost all of my correspondents know me by my verizon.net email address. Is there some way to get eM Client to also receive my verizon.net emails as well?
However, almost all of my correspondents know me by my verizon.net email address. Is there some way to get eM Client to also receive my verizon.net emails as well?
You could setup “automatic email forwarding” from your Verizon / AOL email to go to your Gmail account. The downside of that is that Verizon appear to also store a copy of the forwarded email which will then eventually fill up your Verizon / AOL mailbox. So you will have to remember to delete old messages manually when your Verizon / AOl mailbox eventually gets full.
AOL Mail for Verizon stores forwarded messages - AOL Help
The other option is just to also add your Verizon / AOL mail account into eM Client alongside your Gmail account. Where even an eM Client free version will still allow 2 accounts to be added.
From your previous threads, your Verizon / AOL manual settings should be the below.
Configure a Verizon.net account using IMAP - AOL Help
(Your IMAP & SMTP settings).
Under IMAP,
Server: imap.aol.com
Port: 993
Security policy: Use SSL/TLS on special port (legacy)
Under STMP,
Server: smtp.verizon.net
Port: 465
Security policy: Use SSL/TLS on special port
Under: Authentication:
Server requires authentication
Use identity credentials
Note:- If you have any problems with sending email, you could also try on “Security Policy” to "Force usage of SSL/TLS.
Server: smtp.verizon.net
Port: 465
Security policy: Force usage of SSL/TLS
You said: “Configure a Verizon.net account using IMAP - AOL Help” but I need settings for my gMail account.
You said: “Configure a Verizon.net account using IMAP - AOL Help” but I need settings for my gMail account.
I elected to delete my old eM Client account & added a new one using a new Gmail email address & password. It seemed to work perfectly! All my folders, emails, calendar, etc. are there!
You don’t need any Gmail account settings as you already advised above that “you have already set that up” and it’s working fine. Go to “Menu / Accounts” and you should see it there.
So you just now need to “add your Verizon / AOL account again” so you can then access your old Verizon / AOL email and contacts etc in eM Client.
You will then end up with both your Gmail and Verizon / AOL accounts in eM Client.
OK, I tried adding my old Verizon account as you suggested & when I tried to enter my old password, it wouldn’t accept it! Another interesting thing I’ve noticed - Gary had suggested that I delete my “Settings” in my C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\ in Windows Explorer. Then, restart eM Client. I went in to that site today & could find no “Settings” folder at all! Just when I thought I was “home”, I’m back in the dark again! Suggestions, please!
OK, I tried adding my old Verizon account as you suggested & when I tried to enter my old password, it wouldn’t accept it!
If you have tried setting up your Verizon / AOL email account via both the Automatic email wizard and Manual setup options and both give you an invalid password then test your password via your webmail Verizon / AOL website.
Also when you enter your username and password in eM Client setup, make sure you use “your full email address” in the username field, and not just the username at the start of the email address.
If your Verizon / AOL password “does work” ok via your website webmail login, but not in eM Client, then could be some settings have possibly changed at your mailbox server end. You would then need to contact them to dbl-check the settings again and any special requirements for email access.