Spell check bug?

I have activated the option: Check spelling before sending message. Now when I send a mail a window pops up like below:

If I click the Ignore All button , eM Client does NOT ignore the spelling errors. It goes through each one as if I had clicked on the Ignore option. In other words, there is no difference between the two options.

jueves 23 noviembre 2023 :: 1435hrs (UTC +0400)

You will need to verify the language you have set at:

Menu->Settings ->General ->Spell-Checker

I could be wrong but I suspect you will have a conflict between
your OS language (German) and English

I had the same with Spanish my OS - my spell-checker is set to English,
I do not check Spanish only English.


¡Los mejores desde Dubai y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Hi skybat,

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried it, but it didn’t work.


If I click the Ignore All button , eM Client does NOT ignore the spelling errors. It goes through each one as if I had clicked on the Ignore option. In other words, there is no difference between the two options.

Yes I also suspect this is a bug as even using the latest Mac eM Client 9.2.2144 that also happens for me. Clicking Ignore All “does the same as Ignore”. It still goes through all the underline red words. It should skip right to the end of the red underlined words.

Even if you “don’t have check spelling before sending enabled” in Settings / Preferences and check the spelling manually in the compose window, the Ignore All still works the same as Ignore. It doesn’t skip to the end of the red underlined words.

My Mac OS is set to English and eM Client is set to English.

(Mac Sonoma Language English)

(eM Client Mac all set to English)