SpamFighter with emCLient?

I own a Spamfighter Pro Licence. Because emClient has no Spam Filter running in the back like Thunderbird or other, I would like to us Spamfighter.

Is there any way to get it integrated?

Does eM Client include SPAM filter options? - Powered by Kayako Help Desk Software

Does eM Client include SPAM filter options?

Posted by Olivia Rust on 05 June 2018 16:03
We believe that Spam should be filtered directly on the server so eM Client includes only one default Spam rule that moves messages marked by SpamAssassin as spam to the Junk folder.

Besides this option, you can always blacklist an email address/domain by clicking the button “Move to Junk” and choosing the option “Move to Junk and blacklist email/domain”. This Blacklist is then saved as a Rule in the Rules section.

You can view and manage the Blacklist rule in Menu > Rules. Just select the Blacklist and click the ‘Edit’ button.

A new window with all the domains and addresses in your blacklist will pop up and you can add new items or remove any of the email addresses and domains already in it.

If your server does not provide any spam filtering options, we can also recommend using an external Spam filtering program, like MailWasher, Spamihilator or others.

Sorry, but the standard text that everyone just posts over and over again doesn’t help and shows how little value is placed on something like this. Spam filter software costs money, I don’t have a server and I honestly don’t see why I should invest money here AGAIN.

With 100 emails every day, a good 10% of which are spam emails, I and not only I lack a good spam filter that should be included in emCLient. If I’m going to pay for an email program, it MUST be included.

Popular mail software like Thunderbird or Outlook have this by default

And don’t come to me with “excuses”. Once again. A good mail client has it!

Sorry, but eM Client does not support addons.

Rather we rely on your email provider to offer spam detection, which is the best option as it is not limited to one device or one application, or user error in not regularly updating the spam detection app. Free providers like Google have artificial neural networks to detect and manage spam at absolutely no cost to you. See what options your email provider offers.