Sorting Options

in all folders there is no option for sorting messages in ascending, Descending orders. also need more sorting options like sorting by message date, recieve date, from etc…

You can sort messages by all those options, either ascending or descending by:

  1. Widen message list column by dragging separation bar to the right
  2. Click on column header by which you wish to sort
  3. Click on column header again to reverse order of sort
  4. If the column that you wish to use is not there, you can add it by right clicking on column header row and choosing “Column Configuration”

Hello Umar,
it’s exactly as Norman above describes, you can see more options if you enable the columns view.
Or, you can also sort by some more widely used criteria by clicking the ‘Received’ par of ‘Sort by Received’ text about your message list. This will open a drop-down menu with possible options. In the same line but a bit more to the right, you can choose ascending or descending order of the given criteria.
