Sorting emails like Apple Mail

In Apple Mail I use smart mailboxes to sort mail. The same smart mailbox is used for incoming mail and outgoing mail. In eMclient I don’t see that the same rule works for both things and I have had to make duplicate rules (incoming and outgoing) and have both leave the mail in one folder. Is there a better way to do it?

Excuse my translation (I’m Spanish)

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martes 03 octubre 2023 :: 1121hrs (UTC +0100)

Nothing wrong with your English.

This is something I have previously asked about and so far there has been no move to combine SEND & RECIEVE in a single rule, I have no idea why, it was even available in Eudora 15+ years ago.
For now we simply have to accept it the way it is, plus in my opinion the whole rule setup is a bit of a magical mystery tour.


¡Los mejores desde Sevilla y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués, inglés, francés y alemán
con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.


Muchas gracias por tu rápida respuesta :grinning: