Sort or filter by date?

I have 20,000+ emails in 1 account. Is there a way to sort by date or filter? Or allow to manage them into folders by date?

miércoles 29 septiembre 2021 :: 1529hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi @NovaScotia

In the window displaying your mail:
Right Click in the header ->Sort ->Here you can select your preferences

¡Saludos desde la soleada Valencia en España!
¡Mis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Ok, thank you.

The issue I have is, these emails go as far back as 5 years. So there is no option to sort per month or year. Any suggestions would be great!

miércoles 29 septiembre 2021 :: 1631hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi @NovaScotia

I do not know how you have eMC configured, an tis assumes you have all in a sinlge inbox
What I have done for the very old stuff I have (15 years) is to create Folders in Local folders by year/month once this is done you can either drag & drop or right click & move to folder to do the initial sort into years etc. For more recent I have a combination of year/month/client. Works for me.
Unless others have ideas.

¡Saludos desde la soleada Valencia en España!
¡Mis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Hello - thank you.

I guess what I mean is… the date from only shows:

Last Week
Two Weeks Ago

The issue is the “Older” – I followed what you mentioned… This works.

I can manually move it. 100% (this I did not do before)

– I was hoping for a script or rule I could run…

miércoles 29 septiembre 2021 :: 1743hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi @NovaScotia

To have this display you are using ‘Show in Groups’ if you want to disable this:
Right Click on the mail view header:
-> Show in Groups
Right Click on the mail view header:
->Columns View Configuration ->Choose the options you want.

Rules are normally set to work automatically on incoming mail before it moves to am inbox by default.
Rules could be created to do this retrospectively on particular folders manually, however, unless you have an in depth knowledge of Rules you could end up with a mess.

¡Saludos desde la soleada Valencia en España!
¡Mis mejores deseos y mantente a salvo!

[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Thank you very much.