So very very slow mobile app

eMClient is the slowest email client i have used. On my Android phone and Android tablet it is super slow. All other mail clients i have tested is quick. There is this delay when scrolling inbox and doing any functions. It is funny that not many users complain about this.

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I don’t personally get that problem on my eg: Droid Samsung mobile with OS14. The app is really fast for me with 4 large mail accounts.

Could be your eM Client mobile app accounts "have not fully synced all the emails yet since adding them, which might then be causing it to be very slow as it’s not locally all cached yet.

So if you have an eg: IMAP account, you can speed up the email synching in the mobile Droid app, by going to the “Menu / Settings” . Then “Open your mail account” and scroll down to “Services”.

Then open IMAP, and you will find “Sync Options” where you can enable to “Download messages for offline use etc” and “Customise Download options” which has options to download Message list only, or Full Messages without attachments, or Full messages with attachments.

So you can try those various options which will then normally fix any slow speed once the accounts are fully synced and cached locally.

Gmail IMAP account Sync Options example

@keyserd I have exactly the same problem on my current S24+ and the app is extremely slow. I have already reported this to the developers, but unfortunately nothing new has come up yet.

All settings are correct. eM Client just the slowest app by far. Deciding to go back to Edison mail. Tested the new Thunderbird and it is lightning fast opening mail and just scrolling thru your folders.

I wish this can be resolved as it is as eM Client definitely the best in looks and futures.

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thanks for the tip…taking a look at edison at the mo. seems really solid