SMTP Outgoing email

I cant send out any further emails on EMclient. Started a few days ago. I have called my cable company and they have told me that they have not done any upgrades to the system. Not having this issue when sending emails via my phone from the same account. Checked and verified my SMTP settings with them too and they were identified to be correct. Restarted my computer, my router, my modem, disabled my AVG email blocker and still have the same issues.

Settings - Host “
Security policy- Force usage of SSL/TLS
Check mark in box for server requires authentication
box and for Use Identity credentials is marked.

the password and username is confirmed to be correct.

Error that I am getting is as follows: [SMTP] Cannot send message (Email body not accepted due to the following reason:
"[email protected] message rejected. AUP#CXSNDR

Server settings from Cox are the following:

  • Server name: “
  • Enable SMTP authentication for outgoing email, and then enter your Cox Email address and password
  • Enter one of the following port numbers based on the encryption type
    • If the encryption type is SSL or SSL/TLS, then use 465
    • If the encryption type is TLS or if your device doesn’t support encryption, then use 587

Any thoughts as to why this would happen? I like this program and don’t want to have to switch to a new email program one if there are problems with it. Let me know. Thx.

eM Client is sending the message just fine, but as you see in your error message, the server is rejecting it. From the error it is because your email failed authentication checks against your sending domain’s SPF, DomainKeys, or DKIM policy.

You will need to ask them for advice as this is something that needs to be addressed on their server.

Gary, thanks for the heads up. Just wanted to ask before going back to them that the EM client authentication policies (or whatever it is called) are current and are not obsolete? What are the protocols that are used by emclient so that I can let them know when talking with them? I want to have this information in hand because I know that the provider will say, it is not our fault etc. etc… so this will give me some ammunition in hand. Thanks.

Well, the provider has given their error code. They would not argue about that, especially as the domain’s SPF, DomainKeys, or DKIM policy have nothing to do with the email client, any email client, but are all server settings.