Smtp fail to work

i am in italy and my domain provider is i can get emai but i cannot send email. i want to sign for the pro version but how to do if i cannot succesfully send any email? i tried any door 465, 25, 587, i deativate antivirus from my pc and now i remember that even years ago i wanted to use emclient but i gave up because i had same problem. anyone can help me?

What could help volunteers come up with suggestions:

Error messages
SMTP Settings
EmC version
Your host SMTP requirements

The error message you will find in Menu > Operations then in the Log tab. Look for SMTP errors.

Make sure you have the correct security policy for each port as you try it.

Port 587 = Force usage of SSL/TLS
Port 25 = Use SSL/TLS if available
Port 465 = Use SSL/TLS on special port (legacy)

already tried all of them. i cannot believe to be the only one who have this problem configurating em client. anyone can help me?

Here is your Host’s settings from their web site for comparison to your existing settings:

i did all several time. when i do diagnostics looks is going to work but then when i try to send an email, email doesn’t leave the outbox.

AND when that happens are there ANY error messages recorded in Menu -> Operations?

Yes, the error is very important. It will hopefully give some clue as to what is wrong.

Also, make sure your anti-virus IS disabled - completely. If it is something like AVAST, then make sure that the Mail Shield is disabled as well. It could also be a firewall or VPN, so disable those as well for the test.

yes all the time i get same error messages. can u understand what is the reason?

antivirus is disabled, now i try to completely remove it from pc but anyway i already disabled