Smart folder selection in sidebar

As a sales executive, I work with many customers. Currently, I add my top customers under Favorites. I would like to see in that section a list of the last 10 folders (customers) I filed emails to. Having close to 100 active customers, it takes a lot of times and scrolling to get to that one customer from whom you just received an email and wanted to go back to a conversation you had with them … just yesterday.

Maybe another section below Favorites, like Recently Used.

Having close to 100 active customers, it takes a lot of times and scrolling to get to that one customer from whom you just received an email and wanted to go back to a conversation you had with them … just yesterday.

You can use the “Quick Filter Search”. Hover your mouse to the right of the Mail icon, and click the Search icon. Then type in a couple of letters of the Favourites Folder name and it will appear.

Same goes with any other Mail Account folder you want to jump to quickly.

Interesting. Did not see it. You need to hover the word “Mail” … should not be so. UI elements need not be hidden.

Now it would be great if the search bar kept a history of the last ten or so seraches, a quick way to jump to those top 10 accounts I was referring to.

Keeping some history for folder search sounds like a reasonable request, I recommend creating a post on the feature request page Sleekplan -

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