Sinds vanmorgen wordtwachtwoord niet meer aangenomen, ik krijg de foutmelding: "authentication required"

This morning my pasword could not be recognised. “Invalid user name or pasword”. How can I get a new pasword? Thanks! 

If this is for your eM Client Pro License management login, you can get a new password by clicking on the reset password link.

If this is for your email account, you will need to contact your email provider. Usually there is a password rest link on their email web interface.

Dank voor uw antwoord. Ik heb de gratis versie en vind nergens de link “wachtwoord opnieuw instellen”.

What password are you trying to reset?

The Free License does not use the License Manager, so it must be your email password. Please contact your email provider for that.

iks ondertussen gebeurd en alles in orde, dank je wel!

Has been done, everything ok, thank you!