Simultaneous Exchange EWS + Office 365 (on Mac) accounts

I was planning on subscribing, but I have run into a show-stopper of a problem.

The Mac version doesn’t seem to work with Exchange and Office 365 accounts at the same time. I can do one or the other, but not both types, and no other account on the client so this should work.

My Windows/Surface tablet seems to work ok, but I am a professional proposal writer - I 99% of my work is done on my Macs. In general, one of the two MS types of accounts will work fine, add the second one and the Exchange account continuously asks for a password, and can no longer connect.

Does anyone else have this issue? Seems amazing that this got out of QC… disturbing, actually. I like the client, but will have to stick with Spark for the moment.

I have seen this same issue with another Mac user where using their Windows PC with both the same accounts works fine together in eM Client, but not when using eM Client for Mac.

I don’t know if there was a fix for that as lost the thread. Hopefully someone on the forum knows.

Btw What version of eM Client for Mac do you have ?

Thanks - the latest available download - 8.2.1687

The product looks promising, Outlook’s search capability on the Mac is pathetic - it can’t find an email that I have open and looking at - let alone anything else - I would love to subscribe to several machines’ worth of EM - but this is a no-go in my case.