Signing of on an email with personalised signature

We are currently using eM Client (free version) and are wondering if we can be able to sign of an email with our hand written signature, or is this feature available only on the (pro version) of eM Client.
If this feature is available to us we would appreciate some advise as to how to go about achieving this outcome.

Gordon and Jocelyn.

You could “insert an image” that has your handwritten signature on it already to include in an eM Client signature. Example handwritten signature image below in eM Client.

Note:- If you don’t have your signature (already written on an image) to insert into eM Client, there is a good free website ive used called eg: “” where you can use either a (mouse , pen or finger touch) on computer or mob / tablet to create a hand signature in any colour & size you like. Generate your handwritten signature image online