shows wrong week number in calender

eMclient shows wrong week number in calender, for example shows week 19, right week should be week 20, why?

What version of eM Client are you using Olof?

If it is not the latest, you can download and install recent releases from the Release History. There was a 7.x update in the last week, so maybe try that and see if there is any difference. If you are using the beta version (8.x) the latest release available has the correct week number. Don’t know if it was an issue previously though.

Mac releases can be found here.

where ca I see my version?

Menu > Help > About

Ok thanks, versíon 8.0.1959. When I put weeks in the big “weekcalender” it shows right upper left, but in the small overview calender (down left) it shows 1 week wrong

Looks correct in the latest beta.

Can you update to the latest in the Release History, and see if there is any difference.

If it is still displaying incorrectly, can you send your feedback to [email protected]

Funny it’s still the same…

Send your feedback to [email protected]

Yes, have done it already