Setting up EM Client fails with IPv6

I just installed EM Client on Windows. In the “Incoming Server” page, I ticked “IMAP”, and in “Incoming Server” I typed in an IPv6 IP number. I tried both as is, and prefixed with “[” and postfixed with “]”. I also tried appending “:” and a port number.

In all these situations, when I click Next, I get an error box “Cannot parse the port number you specified”.

Supporting IPv6 IP number is a fundamental function.

Is this a bug that needs fixing?

@Gary @Olivia_Rust Q

@cyberzork Do you know how to do this


@cyberzork Do you know how to do this

No sorry i don’t use IP address’s for Incoming Mail server address’s. I only use addressing for Incoming mail servers.

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martes 27 agosto 2024 :: 1336hrs (UTC +0100)

I have interest in need for this method of setup, can you please post where you have been able to do this, not just for me but for all.


Alvaro for skybat

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