Setting to keep reading pane empty when processing emails

Right now, when I delete an email, the reading pane automatically loads the next email in the list. What I’d like to see instead is that the reading pane becomes empty until I click on a new email in the list. The main reason is that the next email might be spam and I don’t want to involuntarily open spam emails.
Some people might not want that, so there should be a setting where you can control this behaviour.

Similarly, when I’m in the process of batch deleting emails, by Ctrl + click-selecting multiple emails, every time I Ctrl + click on an email, that email shows up in the reading pane. But I do not want it to be loaded, because I’m in the process of deleting it, likely because it’s spam and as I just mentioned I do not want to open spam mails.

I don’t see any option of enabling either behaviour right now, but I’d love to stand corrected.


For the batch processing of emails, I now see that there is a workaround of turning on the “selection” feature above the email list, light, and then being able to select emails for deletions through the checkboxes.

Right now, when I delete an email, the reading pane automatically loads the next email in the list

There is a feature request to not automatically read the next email. Suggest to like that one.

Thanks, I did see that one actually, but because there are two concerns (emails opening automatically, and marking them as read) voiced in that one, I wasn’t sure whether what the OP was asking for was clear to the devs. So I thought I’d separate the two, in case that made things clearer, also for future forum readers. But I’ll like that one.