set no time zone

Is there any way to NOT set a time zone for a task so that it just appears at the same time no matter what the timezone is? I’ve only just realised that when I go from my +10 AU timezone to a +1 EU timezone, all my task times will move from during the day (10am 2pm etc) to very early (1am, 5am etc).

Unfortunately not. Maybe you can put this forward as an idea for the developers to consider.

A temporary solution until and if that is added, is to create the task somewhere else. If you are using a Google Calendar, tasks created there and synced with eM Client do not have time zones. However, as soon as you edit it in eM Client, the current time zone is added even if you leave the date/time settings blank.

hi, there are news about the possibility of being able to eliminate the time zone during the creation of an event? Among other things, in Italy it inserts the time zone of Berlin and not Rome. tnx

Nothing has changed.

Can you check that your computer is set to the correct time zone, as eM Client gets the zone from Windows settings.

hi, the time zone on windows is set correctly on Rome
I would like the possibility of removing it in the future. tnx