
I’m using emClient V7.0.26687.0 on Windows 10 Anniversary Update to access my Yahoo email account and suddenly I’ve started getting the “Server says unauthorized” even though the emails are actually being downloaded properly. The previous solutions won’t work as there is no option to disable calendars etc. in this version of emclient.

Anch’io sto usando Emclient versione  7.0.26687.0 windows versione 7 Professional. Fin’ora è sempre andato benissimo, da circa 8 giorni non scarica più la posta di Yahoo e di conseguenza non, accede più, dandomi il seguente messaggio di errore “Autorizzato Server non”, mi chiede ripetutamente la password. Ho provato ad eliminare l’account ma non ci sono cambiamenti. Mi potete aiutare velocemente? Grazie Attendo Soluzione celere.

me too, i have exactly the same problem and i’m getting tired of it, no problem downloading emails, neither sending…but it just crazy the times it pop’s up on my window!!

please i need some help!!!

+1 fking yahoo full block em clients  idk why

If the pop-ups are just annoying and the emails are otherwise received and sent with no problem, you can turn off the notifications by going to menu/tools/settings/general and uncheck the “show window when error occurs” in the operations window section

Now it has stopped receiving/sending and still says unautherised

I suggest you contact Yahoo to make sure server settings are correct

also when no one help from em team and fix it… then bye bye em client… i let me not kidding 

I have found this prob… login your yahoo account from browser (pc)
go to your “option” -> Account Info
go to -> security account option
activate / registering your mobile number (you will it need)
activate your -> 2 steps verification -> activate your code that you got on mobil phone
go to -> manage app passwords
choice option “other applicatition”
write in “EM Client”

you get created an extra new passwort for this em client app

go to EM CLIENT Software and switch your new password on yahoo login password
