sent mails appear as unread

After the latest release the mails I send appear as “unread”… technically speaking i have not read them… but functional speaking this is awkward.

I am sort of a “read mails” freak so it makes me a bit mad to see the “sent” folder full of “un read” mails.

what version of eM Client do you have?


Version 4.0.14479.0


Send us logs please: go to menu Tools->Settings->Logging and check “IMAP”. Then restart eM Client, try to simulate the issue and send us (with reference to this topic) the logs using the same logging settings window. Thank you.

Done, thanks for looking into this.

The same with the latest version up to date, not solved :frowning:

it was solved, your issue will have different cause. What email service provider and protocol do you use?
