Sending and Receiving from Multiple email accounts.

I can set up ‘send & receive mail’ from multiple accounts in Gmail web settings. Is this transferable to em client?

When I compose a new message, I can only choose one account, in Gmail I can choose other accounts I have added.

Hi, I’m not sure if I completely understand the question.
You can setup multiple accounts in eM Client and choose from which one you’ll send an email once you start composing it.

However if you use the free version of the application you can only use two accounts on your license.

Thank you,

On this vein, is it possible to have one email for receiving email and another for sending? My business account gets a LOT of spam and I don’t want to change the domain, so I was thinking of forwarding all my business emails to my gmail account. However, when I reply to these emails, I want the reply to always come from my business account.